UAE Mars 2117 Project Latest News & Updates: Emirati's Aim To Build First-Ever Space Human Homes
Soon the United Arab Emirates' eighth emirate will emerge in space; the country is now looking into scientific explorations to finally conquer Mars in 2117. Find out here all the details regarding the dream projects and all the secrets it holds.
Humans are a naturally born explorer that's already cemented when they traveled half of the world and built homes. At the moment, they will soon mark that trait in history again as another revolutionary venture begins.
According to the Independent, UAE just recently announced the Mars 2117 Project which will largely explore the possible of human settlement in space. The project will supposedly run for 100 years which will be spearheaded by the Emirates ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
"The new project is a seed that we plant today, and we expect future generations to reap the benefits," Sheik Mohammed detailed on the report. The Mars ambitious plan will apparently be a springboard for the future Emiratis to make their own name in the outer space.
On the other hand, Dubai Media Office's Twitter page has also released some picture of the possible look the Mars 2117 Project miniature city will have. The blueprint shows transportation docks, energy resource buildings, and human home structures.
The architectural establishments clearly look futuristic and revolutionary. There had only been two photos since it's released last Feb. 14. Both of them show how avant-garde Mars 2117 Project will be for the next 100 years.
Lastly, the human settlement will soon rise in the Red planet; the United Arab Emirates' latest venture will surely change how architecture and technology will be in the future. Mars 2117 Project may take long but Sheikh Mohammed doesn't want it for himself but for all human kind.
محمد بن راشد ومحمد بن زايد يعلنان عن مشروع "المريخ 2117" لإيصال البشر للكوكب الأحمر ووضع تصور لإنشاء أول مدينة مصغرة على المريخ
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) February 14, 2017
مشروع المريخ 2117 يركز على مسارات بحثية متوازية تتضمن استكشاف وسائل التنقل والسكن والطاقة والغذاء على وطرق أسرع للوصول والعودة من المريخ — Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) February 14, 2017
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