Turkish Architect Melike Altınışık Wins Global Competition to Design Seoul's Robot Museum
Seoul is set to open the world's first museum dedicated to robots and artificial intelligence made by famous Turkish architect Melike Altınışïk.
Located in the center of the South Korean capital, Hurryiet Daily News reported that the museum has been designed to provide full immersion for visitors.

Among 47 applicants, Altınışık's sketch emerged as the winner. "Our museum design was chosen as one of the top five finalists from 47 projects that were submitted. We learned that our proposal had won the top prize in 2019 after the projects were presented to the jury in Seoul."
The victory in that situation was one of the most significant victories that Altınışık had at that time. Right after that, she opened her office in Seoul, South Korea.
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Seoul's Robot and AI Museum
Per Melike herself, the design philosophy for the Seoul Robot and AI Museum combines technical innovation with contemporary architectural expression. Altınışık's approach focuses on creating a stimulating environment through "advanced" construction techniques.
Some of the peculiar features of the museum include intermediate spaces that manage vehicular and pedestrian traffic, along with a vertical display tunnel that blurs the lines between reality and AI technology.

Upon entrance, visitors are now greeted by robots, who will show different AI technologies at the entrance to the museum. For Altınışık, the project is more than just exhibition space.
"Showcasing the future of science, technology, and architecture, the Seoul Robot and AI Museum is much more than just a museum," said Altınışık.
Besides this project, Altınışık has signed other contracts with the Seoul Metropolitan Municipality and is probing other opportunities in South Korea.
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