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New York Art Gallery Founder's Humiliating Experience With US Customs Signifies Flaws In Immigration Ban

One New York art gallery founder's terrible experience with U.S customs marks as another example of the country's flawed immigration ban system. Chambers art gallery founder Juan Garcia Mosqueda originally hails from Argentina.

However, the New York art gallery founder is considered as a legal U.S citizen. According to Dezeen, Mosqueda found himself in a extremely uncomfortable situation where he was held up at the U.S customs.

The New York art gallery founder was even interrogated and was eventually denied entry to the country. Mosqueda exclaimed that the whole process was "dehumanizing and degrading every step of the way."

Recent immigration ban changes might have contributed to Mosqueda's hold-up. The current state of the US immigration system is something that Mosqueda refers to as "deeply flawed."

The New York art gallery founder added that the Trump administration is "more interested in expelling people than admitting them." According to NDTV, there had been some significant changes recently, in regards to the state of the immigration ban.

The report revealed that President Trump is willing to revise his immigration ban by removing Iraq in the list of banned countries. While the Trump administration is exerting effort in reforming the immigration ban system, Mosqueda's incident is clear indication that the system is still flawed.

The fact that Mosqueda was forced to take a return flight to his previous destination after landing on the country where he is considered as a legal citizen, is a big slap to the face. The New York art gallery founding member mentioned that he had worked in numerous companies in the U.S.

The kind of treatment he received at the U.S customs is something that Mosqueda considers as an act of disrespect, given all his contributions to the country. Although President Trump's immigration law was temporarily halted in various states.

Even a handful of tech companies have been rallying against Trump's immigration ban law. Regardless, the Trump administration is persistent in doing whatever it takes to uphold the immigration ban despite its opposition.

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