Museum of Broken Relationships Redefines the Meaning of Love Through Art
Lasting love is everybody's dream. Though, not every relationship is forever. In Zagreb and Los Angeles Museum of Broken Relationships sites, Croatian artists Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić immortalize that kind of romances. The duo created a place where mementos of lost love become significant.
According to the Museum of Broken Relationships official website, the main goal of the gallery is to give inspirations and strength. In the exhibitions, part of items is all of its owner's heartbreak stories. By contributing to the symbolic collections, those people lets go of their emotional baggage through art.
Museum of Broken Relationships is the reinvention of heartbreak. Guests come to the place to hear about the different side of love. And it's literally what they find, art collections and stories that are all real and personal.
The out-of-the-box conception of the Museum of Broken Relationships started in Zagreb, Croatia many years ago. Since then, Olinka Vistica and Drazen Grubisic took the world by storm of their innovative idea. EMYA Kenneth Hudson Award even recognized the duo's efforts.
In another report by Atlas Obscura, it stated that the two founders of the Museum of Broken Relationships are indeed the first to donate their lost loved possession. When their own relationship failed, they wanted to look for an outlet.
Through the years, Olinka and Drazen have helped lots of heartbroken people with aid of the Museum of Broken Relationships. It further became a huge success as it gets older. The newly open site in Los Angeles is its prime example.
From endearing to horrific donations, the heartbreak, collections became a source of strength to many other people. The Museum of Broken Relationships offered a new sense of channel for art and love collaboration.
In the end, no love is perfect. Through the Museum of Broken Relationships and its art, people understand the idea better. Thus, they get a better sense of what the future holds for them.
ART: When breakups become ART @Brokenships @zagreb_tourist #zagreb #croatia #OlinkaVistica…
— reviewsphere (@reviewsphere) February 11, 2017
Museum of Broken Relationships brings a new type of catharsis to Pgh. My story via @PittsburghPG: — Courtney Linder (@LinderPG) December 10, 2016
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